How Renewable Energy is Beneficial for Humankind and Environment

It’s no longer a hidden fact that Africa is struggling to get basic necessities such as - food, water, electricity, schools, and many more. Every year several people die due to deprivation of these fundamental things. Poverty is destroying this continent like a plague. Therefore, various non-governmental organizations are making constant efforts in order to raise funds for Africa for renewable energy.

Nowadays, it’s quite common to see wind turbines and solar panels. Similar to these two sources of renewable energy, other sources are also gaining popularity. With the drastic growth in global warming, it becomes mandatory to take some strong action against it before it gets too late. Majority of renewable energy sources produce little to no global warming emissions. Even when considering “life cycle” emissions of clean energy, the global warming emissions linked with renewable energy are negligible. Boosting the supply of renewable energy would allow people to substitute carbon-intensive energy sources and significantly cut back emissions.

The air and water pollution produced by coal and natural gas plants is associated with breathing issues, neurological damage, heart attacks, cancer, premature death, and a mother of other serious ailments. Pollution doesn’t discriminate, it affects everyone. Most of these adverse health impacts arise from air and water pollution that clean energy technologies just don’t create. Wind, solar, and hydroelectric systems produce electricity that does not cause any pollutants.

The lack of access to clean drinking water is one of the most heart-wrenching issues that cannot be overlooked. Similar to this issue, several Africans are constantly struggling with various predicaments. By introducing certain clean energy technologies, it is possible to give immense benefits to the entire continent of Africa. It will not just give them the essentials that are required for everyday life, but also produce employment.


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