3 Ways For Improving Education Africa
To achieve and become successful, education plays a major role. Education has never been considered as a priority in Africa, however, things are changing now. In this particular continent, enrollment rates are steadily growing, creating a silver lining for young minds. Further growth of education demands investment and funding for building schools in Africa along with time and patience. Here are three ways that can make education possible in this continent:
Making Teachers a Priority
Teachers can improve the quality of education. For this, they need resources and qualified training programs for betterment. They are the keys to education for students as they mentor and provide them the knowledge they need. In Africa, there is a shortage of mentors who can guide children. For education growth, it is essnetial to implement teacher certification procedures. This will ensure teachers will be most professionals and students will benefit from the shared knowledge in their studying fields.
Higher Education is Important
University enrollment is low in Africa and the major reason behind this is not enough attention to higher education. People are more and more building primary and secondary schools, giving little importance to higher education. What will students do after they have finished school? While those who can attend universities in other countries move there, others have no option but to stay behind. Unless they see opportunities after school, education among children in Africa cannot be promoted.
Giving Attention to Students’ Needs
Students don’t need dry information and basic skills. Unless they enjoy the learning process, their creativity and hunger to gain knowledge will never spark. Instead of continuous classes and lectures, there should be breaks and hobby time that students can enjoy. These breaks can be disguised into a learning phase but without books. Students, when receive education from the same teacher throughout, create a bond and communicate openly. Also, this helps struggling students with their grades and keep them motivated.
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